
*subject to change

  • Missed Classes - Missed classes may be made up WITHIN the term you are currently enrolled in (must arrange make-ups w/teacher). NO EXCEPTIONS. NO REFUNDS after class begins. IF you continue into the next term you can also make up missed classes from previous term during the new term (only if it's the very next term on its heels).
  • Glazing Policy - Pots must be cleaned up 1/4". Those not glazed properly or not cleaned of glaze properly will not be loaded for firing. They will be set aside on the shelf until students/members clean glaze/clean them properly. Make sure your teacher glazes with you/reviews your pots before shelving for firing.
  • Glaze Drip Grinding Fee - For each incident of your glaze dripping on kiln shelves there is a $5 fee.
  • Firing Fee - Currently 6-cents/cu. inch. due at time of submitting pieces for firing. Covers bisque and glaze firings.
  • Project Storage - Regarding greenware and bisqued ceramic pieces, Yonkers Pottery will not be responsible for keeping them beyond 4 weeks after the last day of the term for which you were last enrolled in class. Glazed items we'll hold similarly for 4 weeks after they are put on the finished cart. *If your creations were made in a one day class or private lesson, we will hold them for your pick up for 1 month after you have been emailed that they are ready to retrieve.
  • Cleaning / Improper Studio Behavior Fee - YOU are responsible for safely cleaning everything/everywhere you touched while in the studio (including walls/floor/other's spaces/wheels/etc.... This is a health, safety and respect issue. There are cleaning lists posted around the studio to guide you. If a pattern of improper cleaning or un-safe behavior develops we will give two warnings with guidance to help you learn proper cleaning and procedures. If you fail to clean and act unsafely in the studio you will be assessed a $5 fee for each incident. Examples of improper studio behavior include glaze blowing inside and not capturing clay/glaze dust while working on piece.

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